If I could just stop.
Perhaps I'd smell the roses. see the peace and beauty the sun has to offer shade provides on a hot Texas summer day. I'd get up from my exhausted side lines view and join the fun to be had
If I would just stop.
I could stop scurrying around cleaning my house all day long, as I wouldn't be bothered by the prospect of who might ring my doorbell and see that my house has 3 VERY active boys who live here.
If I just stopped.
I wouldn't worry about the things the world had to offer, because I would know that nothing could ever compare to the things I already have... the things the world could never give me.
A play by play of what life is really like in a house full of BOYS!
Monday, March 4, 2013
Friday, March 1, 2013
Family- a Journey to Forever
I just can't express how much I LOVE spending time with my family. I'm grateful our family has been blessed with Jay working a 4 day work week, to enjoy quality time together, away from the everyday roles and responsibilites of being a parent.
This wednesday while waiting for Brenden to arrive home on the bus, Jay and I extracted a list of things we wanted to do that day. We tried to keep it simple, as typically we spend Jay's days off running around and taking care of errands. I wanted this day to be different. I wanted to enjoy the peace that would come if we filled our day, not with plans, but with time. Time for eachother.
Our list included:
Go to the temple and take PICTURES
Get lunch somewhere to avoid hungry-bellied melt downs
Find Home Goods and SHOP
First on the list, after making our way to Stone Oak (the area of San Antonio where the temple is located. It's about 25 minutes away.) was to find food. I was hungry, so I knew the littles had to be hungry... and what better way to enjoy a family day than free kids meals with the purchase of Jay and my meal. We headed to Freebirds. I of course ordered nachos, and Jay followed suit. The boys were thrilled to have their very own plated filled with chicken and cheese quesadillas, rice, beans, tortilla chips and juice boxes, as typically I coarse them into sharing a plate. While eating, I noticed a young teenaged boy sitting alone at a table, awaiting his friends who were in line to order food. I thought of how strange it was that he wouldn't want to eat anything... especially at Freebirds. As time passed, I continued to take note as the boy kept his head down, staring at his phone and twiddling with the buttons, only nodding occassionally as his friends talked, laughed and filled their bellies with burritos. I could recall the times, many years ago, when I was that kid- with no food, not because my stomach wasn't starved for it, but because I had no means to buy anything. I knew Jay would understand too. After a quick and quiet family discussion, I handed Brenden two dollar bills to go buy a cookie to give to the young man without food. He beamed with delight at the thought of making the young man's day with a simple gesture. It wasn't long before Brenden came back, head hung to the floor, and cookie still in hand. I quickly asked what had happened, when he explained that the boy didn't want the cookie. Feeling undefeated, and hoping to teach my sweet son the wonderful blessing of giving to others, I took Brenden by the hand and walked to the young mans table. After explaining he purchased the cookie to brighten the boys day, the teen boy took the cookie and said "Thank you, buddy."
I knew it had to have been embarrassing accepting a cookie from a 5 year old boy in front of all your friends. I also knew that my heart grew an extra few inches for the willingness my family had to serve others. We may not have bought a burrito- or helped to clothe anyone.... but I know that though teenage eyes didn't show it, our gesture was appreciated.
Next stop was the Temple.
Oh how I love the Temple. The simple peace we felt as we arrived on the grounds was wonderous.
The boys enjoyed walking the grounds together and delighting in the beauty of the day. The weather was perfect. With full bellies, their attitudes were perfect. I couldn't have asked for more.
This was Jacobs first time walking the temple grounds. He beamed at the sight of lush green grass, despite the Texas drought. He ooooohhed and aaaaahhed over the bright, beautiful flowers in full bloom.
I don't recall how long we spent at the temple- enjoying the beauty of it, and the time we had together. We were in no rush- with no real plans to attend to. We spent a good portion of time taking photos, and allowing Brenden to discover his love for photography. Connor seemed eager to gain a greater understanding for the plants and shrubbery, as well as the builders who were so dilligently working to complete the outdoor elevator.
Jay and I didn't mind having our photo taken either. It isn't often we have a picture of just the two of us- and occassionally, I regret that. We've come a long way.... not that I had doubts we would... But I would have enjoyed having some "wrinkle-free" photos to show my future daughter in laws one day.
Taking pictures of the temple is so easy. Looking at them almost makes me feel as though they were painted; the way the building structure and lighting looks almost "too perfect" to be real. Isn't it a shame that most things made by man tend to omit a feeling of natural beauty? Perhaps thats one of the reasons the temple grounds are so peaceful.
I've been dying to have a photo with all three of my sweet boys holding hands and looking up to the temple. It's a vision I pray they keep, and treasure as much as I do.
After the temple, I was ready to shop... but without a word, Jay quietly drove the car in the opposite direction. I wanted to say "Wait! Don't forget I wanted to go to Home Goods!!" ...but ultimately I knew he hadn't. I had been talking about it for nearly a week, since a sweet friend of mine told us it was here in San Antonio. I was thrilled to be able to go, as it was one of the many treasured stores my thrifty home decorator Grandmother loved to go. Instead, we made our way across the street to McDonalds. Brenden left the temple on a semi sour note due to his unwillingness to follow directions and stay with our family while crossing the street. Jay was determined not to ever leave the temple on such a note, and began taking orders for ice cream as soon as we reached the drive thru. It wasn't long before Jay and I agreed it would be a better idea to let the boys indulge on their cones outside of the car. We parked in the parking lot next to a large patch of grass. We let all three boys out, and spent the next hour slowly licking our cones, and enjoying the day.
Finally the time had arrived and we were Home Goods bound. Jacob fell asleep in the car on the quick 5 minute trip, and Jay, being the sweet husband he is, knew I would have more success if I was allotted some "alone time" to paroose the store by myself in hopes of finding a treasure. I spent a while. I don't know how long, really... but it was enough time for me to look at everything I wanted to and get a sense of the store. I fell in love with a few peices, but couldn't think of the perfect place to put them in our home. Eventually I made my way back out to my boys, and convinced them to come look with me. We cruised the store with me pointing out things here and there that I had seen, but without an overwhelming feeling that I really needed or wanted anything. It was bittersweet. I wanted something soley because my Grandmother, with her impecable taste in decor would have found something beautiful there.... but ultimately I knew I couldn't justify the expense when I thought of the current condition of our home. Messy. If I can't keep what we have clean and organized, what sense does it make to add more?
We made our way home in silence. Not the awkward silence that sometimes strikes when your trying to make new friends, or talk to someone you haven't seen in forever... but the silence that allows your mind to think freely- with no real rhyme or reason- because it's content.
Content. Peaceful. Alive. Thats what wednesday brought. Thats what spending sweet memorable days with my boys brings. It's what we all live for, isn't it? We just want to find peace... so we can be content... and feel alive.
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