Saturday, March 13, 2010

Homemade Nannie-Bread

Our family absolutely LIVES for homemade banana bread! Occassionally I'll muster up the energy and make a loaf from scratch. This time I decided I could combat it alone, and enlisted the help of the hardest worker I know, Brenny Big Boy.
It was by far the most carefully mixed banana bread I think I've ever witnessed- and the most fun I've had making it in a long while.

He was even sure to clean up his mess! Simply sweet.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Looked Out the Window and What Did I See?

"Gampa" loves to cook, but it's pretty obvious he loves his Grandkiddos even more...

So when Brenden started singing "I looked out the window and what did I see..." Popcorn balls became an automatic must-have for the day. Brenden helped Papa carefully unwrap the caramels and pop the popcorn. He even helped form the popcorn balls! But his favorite part was none other than eating the prize.